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Michele Frantz
in Instructor
Acrylics Basics and Beyond 4/1-4/29
with Michele Frantz

Join artist Michele Frantz for a 5 lesson session in acrylic painting! Versatile and forgiving, acrylic paints may be manipulated with a wide array of techniques, applied to many different surfaces, and modified with various additives.
Students new to acrylics will learn introductory basics; experienced students will improve their skills and explore new directions. Class is offered throughout the year with a different approach presented in each session. Click here for a list of supplies. Canvases and boards will be provided by the instructor.
For ages 15 & up.
Instructor: Michele Frantz
Tuition: $190 Canvas Fee: $8
Journey to Drawing: Session 3
with Michele Frantz

Whether you are a beginning artist or just want to improve your skills, these classes will explore the basis of all art ... drawing!
This series is designed to identify fundamental drawing skills that the participants can take and develop further on their own. Participants can take one or several sessions; each session will introduce a different aspect of drawing, such as gesture, line, shading, proportions, etc.
Subjects will include still life and landscapes. Participants will provide some of their own materials (see supply list); other materials will be provided via the $5 supply fee.
Session 3: A Matter of Perspective.
How to create depth in your artwork using linear and atmospheric perspective. Supply list.
Tuition: $85.50 Supply fee $5
Exploring Pastels
with Michele Frantz

Learn about different pastel supports (types of papers & boards) while exploring a variety of techniques. Dive right in without needing paintbrushes, solvents, or a palette – no other medium allows you to apply rich color to support as quickly as you can with soft pastels. Supplies will be provided via the supply fee. You may bring your own supplies if you have taken the class before, and opt out of the supply fee during registration.
Ages 15+
Instructor: Michele Frantz
Tuition: $90.50 Supply Fee: $15
Acrylics Basics and Beyond 5/13-6/10
with Michele Frantz

Join artist Michele Frantz for a 5 lesson session in acrylic painting! Versatile and forgiving, acrylic paints may be manipulated with a wide array of techniques, applied to many different surfaces, and modified with various additives.
Students new to acrylics will learn introductory basics; experienced students will improve their skills and explore new directions. Class is offered throughout the year with a different approach presented in each session. Click here for a list of supplies. Canvases and boards will be provided by the instructor.
For ages 15 & up.
Instructor: Michele Frantz
Tuition: $190 Canvas Fee: $8
Acrylics Basics and Beyond 5/13-6/10
with Michele Frantz

Join artist Michele Frantz for a 5 lesson session in acrylic painting! Versatile and forgiving, acrylic paints may be manipulated with a wide array of techniques, applied to many different surfaces, and modified with various additives.
Students new to acrylics will learn introductory basics; experienced students will improve their skills and explore new directions. Class is offered throughout the year with a different approach presented in each session. Click here for a list of supplies. Canvases and boards will be provided by the instructor.
For ages 15 & up.
Instructor: Michele Frantz
Tuition: $190 Canvas Fee: $8
Journey to Drawing: Session 4
with Michele Frantz

Whether you are a beginning artist or just want to improve your skills, these classes will explore the basis of all art ... drawing!
This series is designed to identify fundamental drawing skills that the participants can take and develop further on their own. Participants can take one or several sessions; each session will introduce a different aspect of drawing, such as gesture, line, shading, proportions, etc.
Subjects will include still life and landscapes. Participants will provide some of their own materials (see supply list); other materials will be provided via the $5 supply fee.
Session 4: Only Shades of Gray
Learn different approaches to shading and how it creates volume in your artwork.
Tuition: $114 Supply fee $5